15 November, 2007



I am inquisitive and curious. I collect things: information and facts; books and music. I'll buy nearly any type of music as I enjoy the rush of getting to know a piece previously unkown. When looking at books, I'm happy to pick up history or science, fiction or non.

I collect them because I’m interested, and I’m interested in so many things. The interwoven connections of the various and diverse elements of our lives and environment draw me in to continuously seeking more to collect. New input keeps my mind fresh.



At 2:12 PM, Blogger Chaim said...

Hmm... I have actually been thinking a lot about this lately. I am, for lack of a better term, obsessed with input. Any time I spend not absorbing or producing information of some kind is, in my perception, time wasted. When I am sitting I am reading, answering email, writing, reading email, and/or listening to music. When I am walking, my iPod is almost always piping music or podcasts into my ears. I am an insatiable buyer of books. I don't know what all of this information is going to do exactly. All I know is that I want it. My motivation lies perhaps in the feeling of humiliation that washes over me when someone wants to engage me in a conversation about a topic I know nothing about...

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Leon said...

I like to collect nonfiction books. I usually do it in spurts when a topic interests me. I think it comes from my parents. They had a bookcase with encyclopedias, history books, and much more.

At 5:53 AM, Blogger Berni said...

Me encanta adquirir música y libros cuando voy a hacer la compra semanal. Siempre me paro en la sección específica de cd´s "en oportunidad". Es increíble la cantidad de buenos discos que se pueden encontrar.
Dejo que "se caigan", como por casualidad, en el carro de la compra...
Espero que el uso del español no te resulte poco adecuado en tu blog de lengua inglesa.
Cuando me atreva escribiré en inglés...

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Mauther Papermau said...

Hello, Ettrick,

Sorry for use this space to write to you, but I don`t find an e-mail, so...

Please, write to:

mautherous@gmail.com and I will send the models you want to your email, in PDF format, ok?

But to open the.rar files you just need the Winrar, that is a free program ( search "winrar free" at Google) to open this type of compressed file. The Winrar just compress the arquives to be sent by e-mail, etc. The templates of the models are, or in .JPG , or .BMP or PDF.

This model of the Medieval Church is already in PDf format. It is just compressed in a .rar file.


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